Experience Senior Living in Somer Oak

Senior Living Made for You  

Welcome to SomerOak Senior Living! Here, luxurious apartments, engaging activities, and beautifully designed amenities await you.  

“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance us to do.”

– Ephasians 2:10

Your Supportive Community

Our community is locally-owned and our team is committed to providing high-quality care to every one of our residents. Guided by our faith, we provide our community members with a secure, engaging, and fulfilling life. 

Assisted Living 

Ready to spend less time worrying about daily tasks and more time enjoying the things you love most? Assisted living can offer you the best of both worlds–the support you need and the independence you desire. 

Why Choose Us

Our charming community has it all–beautiful indoor areas balanced out by landscaped gardens and expansive walkways. You’ll have to see it for yourself!

Gallery & Floorplans

Our services and amenities are designed to allow each resident to thrive. Whether it’s a walk outside, an art class, or an off-campus event, there’s something for everyone.

Services & Amenities

Here at Somer Oak Senior Living, we are proud of our veterans. With hope, love, and faith, we honor and recognize our veterans every day.

Our Community

Our Gallery

Contact Us

Kelly Boyette Executive Director

Our Address

  • 10790 U.S. 64
  • Somerville, TN 38068

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